英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 07:53:20

at sight

英 [æt sait]

美 [æt saɪt]

一看到…就; 一经要求就,一出示就

  • 网络解释

1. 见票即付:1 即期汇票在汇票付款日期栏中采用见票即付(at sight)的汇票(3)持票人或来人抬头 (pay bearer)我国票据法不允许采用这种. 1 定义:是由汇款人委托汇出行用电报、电传、环球银行间金融(SWIFT)等电讯手段发出付款委托通知书给收款人所在地的汇入行,

2. 即付:1)即期汇票在汇票付款日期栏中采用见票即付(at sight)的汇票(1)限制性抬头(pay---Co. only)(2)指示式抬头(pay --- Co. or order)(3)持票人或来人抬头(pay bearer)我国票据法不允许采用1、定义:是由汇款人委托汇出行用电报、电传、环球银行间金融(SWIFT)等电讯手段发出付款委托通知书给收款人所在地的汇入行,

3. at sight

3. 即期:就是通常所说的D/P,承兑交单.其实主要还是考验客户给你的他们的银行的信用,我有一两个客户做这个的,我感觉比信用证要简单.但是一般只能做即期(At sight)的,远期(after sight)的我个人认为还是存在一定的风险

4. 即期,见票即付:Manufacturers' Invoice 厂商发票 | At sight 即期,见票即付 | At...days (month)after sight 付款人见票后若干天(月)付款

  • 临近词

You always request us to open L/C at sight.(你方一直要求我们开立即期信用证。)
The theory is not as simple as you might think at first sight.(这个理论并不像你乍看时想到的那么简单。)
At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print.(乍一看,对方给出的条件好像很优厚,但任何时候都不要小看那些小号字印刷的附加条款。)
At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp.(第一眼看上去它不像一座首都城市倒更像一个采矿工地。)
I agree to use letter of credit at sight.(我同意用即期信用证付款。)
After ten days at sea, we had our first sight of land.(我们在海上航行十天之后,首次看见陆地。)
In consideration of our good relationship, we exceptionally accept D/P at sight.(考虑到我们友好的关系,我方破例接受即期付款交单。)
The Marionette asked her, worried now at the sight of his growing nose.(木偶问她话,他看见自己的鼻子不断变长,心里担心且着急。)
Is the credit at sight or after sight?(信用证是即期的还是远期的?)
Not that the bride will wear the dress etiquette at sight as everyone to figure out that she has a dress signed by a famous designer but it is for her pleasure to achieve one so.(不过,如果真能拥有一件名师设计的礼服,新娘们也会满心欢喜的。)
at sight是什么意思 at sight在线翻译 at sight什么意思 at sight的意思 at sight的翻译 at sight的解释 at sight的发音 at sight的同义词